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Chamber is an independent professional organisation with the legal characteristics of a corporation and public authority. Chamber within its activities represents the pharmacists in Republic Croatia and abroad.


Pharmacists with a state professional exam can become members of the Chamber. A pharmacist is deemed every person that has a degree in pharmacy at the recognised university of the Republic Croatia.

The pharmacists working in the field of health services and performing pharmaceutical activities are compulsory members of the Chamber. They are issued a licence by the Chamber which requires of them to engage in a continuing professional development. The licence is renewed every 6 years.

The basic duty 

The basic duty of the Chamber within the scope of positive regulations, through its departments, is to represent and protect the interests of the pharmacists, to protect the honour, reputation and rights of the pharmaceutical profession and to maintain the discipline within the profession and professional activities.

Croatian Chamber of Pharmacist is an observer member of Pharmaceutical Group of European Union (PGEU).

Chamber’s scope of work

Chamber carries out the following public authorised activities:

  1. keeps the Register of pharmacists who perform pharmaceutical activities in Republic Croatia
  2. issues, renews and revokes Licences for independent work
  3. keeps the Register of pharmacies, pharmaceutical outlets, galenic laboratories and laboratories for quality control of galenic preparations and identification of medicinal matter
  4. makes the List of cosmetic and other items for health protection that can be issued in the pharmacies
  5. carries out expert supervision over the work of pharmaceutical workers 

Chamber carries out the following activities:

  1. enacts Codex for pharmaceutical ethics and deontology
  2. makes the Rules for acting in good faith
  3. monitors and supervises the execution of Rules for pharmaceutical ethics and deontology and acting in good faith in pharmaceutical profession and takes appropriate measures in case of their violation
  4. gives expert opinions and participates in preparation of regulations in the field of pharmacy and other regulations that have an impact on pharmaceutical activities
  5. gives the proposal for plans required by pharmacists to the minister responsible for health
  6. participates in setting the standards and norms for pharmaceutical services
  7. provides the protection for citizens in realisation of their rights in regards to quality, content and type of pharmaceutical service that is being provided
  8. organises further education for expanding activities within the profession in regards to the new methods in pharmacy
  9. organises constant expert updating for pharmacists and carries out testing their expertise
  10. represents the interests of its members in signing contracts with Croatian department for health insurance and other health insurance companies
  11. prescribes the method of advertising and method of promoting the name of private practice
  12. determines the method of forming retail prices for medicine and other items that are not the subject of contracts with Croatian institute for health insurance
  13. gives approval to formation of prices for medicine and other items from voluntary insurance which is determined through the contract by insurance company
  14. gives preliminary opinion on the act by Croatian institute for health insurance which sets out the method of carrying out plans and programs for health protection, forming of prices for health protection and other basis for making the contract with health institutes and private health workers that comprise the network of health activities
  15. takes care of the legal aid to its members
  16. takes care of material and other interests of its members
  17. coordinates relations among members and participates in solving possible disputes
  18. in order to protect the reputation of pharmacists and pharmacy it reacts to unjust and unfounded statements in the public media
  19. in accordance with the law it gives the preliminary opinions on applicable regulations that are made by the minister responsible for health
  20. in accordance with the law it gives proposals for applicable regulation that are made by the minister responsible for health
  21. it informs the members of the Chamber through the Chamber web-side, through its paper and other means in accordance with article 2. item 4. of the Statute
  22. it gets involved and cooperates with other professional organisations in the country and abroad
  23. it carries out other activities set by the law, Statute and general acts of the Chamber